Friday, January 23, 2009

Starting Tomorrow I Will No Longer Procrastinate...

Yeah right.... Now that this winter break is coming to an end I am realizing how many things I was going to do and have still yet to do... I was going to learn to knit... and study Japanese, French, Latin, and Spanish... I was also going to start study Norwegian and Romanian.... I was also going to get my trip to France set up... and start exercising...

I think the language issue bothers me the most because I call myself a linguist yet... I have a basic knowledge of French and can barely function in the others... I know next to nothing about linguistics... and I kind of feel that I've been lying to myself and others on how I should be proud of myself for this...

I want to learn to knit...actually more than knitting I want to learn how to sew... This is somewhat more difficult... But I suppose when I actually have the time my mom would be glad to teach me both... There are so many cosplays and lolita pieces I'd love to create but right now am simply not capable yet.

Exercising.... Even though I feel less bad about this one...Its still something that I've been neglecting. I have lost a bit of weight due to dieting/honey sticks but still....Its something that I need to work on especially if I am going to be cosplaying Faye Valentine in July.... Even though I am somewhat comfortable with where I am at... My size will just not cut it...

But anyway.... I am going to try to actually work on these issues this upcoming semester...and hopefully I will make some head way on it...

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