Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On First Days and Disappointment

Today was my first day back to classes. I started the day sleeping till about a half hour before I had to go like I normally would before French class....Of course I managed to get sick... I suppose these things happen but it doesn't make it suck any less. Today's agenda had 5 items on it.
-Refund Check
-Ling Book

French went well. There are way too many kids in the class but that will change I am sure of it. Most of the kids I was forced to talk to seemed nice enough. I had already had the teacher before so there were no suprises... After that I hurried off to Logic because I was super excited for it and wanted to be there on time.

Long story short, Logic sucks. The teacher is quite possibly one of the biggest assholes I've come across in quite some time... This is quite impressive considering I work in retail.... You lose 20 points for being absent. Absent is defined as being absent, late, leaving early, or taking a bathroom break. If this wasn't ridiculous enough, he insists that a lecture hall (150 college students) sit in assigned seating. I'm not going to lie the guy could be pretty entertaining... but for the most part he spewed mostly anti republican doctrine and made some somewhat offensive comments (one of which outraged my mother when she heard about it) Needless to say...I have unregistered from his class and will be attending Turkish Language and Culture tomorrow... It should be a good time....I will be quite upset if it isn't...

I went to Japanese class expecting it to be awful. I even had that nervous sick feeling. Fortunately everything went great. The sad amount of Japanese that i retained after fumbling through JPN203 came back really quickly and the rumors of my teacher being a bitch seem largely untrue... Hopefully she stays this way. I need to work hard this semester because I want to be able to function when I go to Japan next spring...so hopefully I will not screw up.

Tomorrow I have to go to that new Turkish class... Japanese and Linguistics.... Wish me luck... Hopefully I won't need it ^ ^

Monday, January 26, 2009

For the Lulz

I've spent the last couple of days watching various films and clips. The three most notable of these would be The Host, Poultrygeist, and Two Girls One Cup.

I'll start with The Host. For those of you who have not seen it, The Host is a Korean horror/comedy about a big monster that eats and regurgitates humans for the lulz. The monster isn't all that big or scary but I suppose that being eaten by it and eventually thrown up with or without your flesh would still suck a lot. Funny to imagine that it was caused by dumping chemicars into the Han River...Silly Mr. Kim... I also got the general feeling that westerners are evil...I suppose all in all it was enjoyable enough...I don't think i could sit through it again and take it seriously though...

Last night I also saw Poultrygeist. What I was concious through was amusing enough I suppose... Really the only thing notable was that Jarred the lard ass took quite the shit...I was suprised to see that it was censored....

Finally... I watched Two Girls One Cup as I'm sure you've read above... Honestly I was disappointed. I clicked on the video expecting something that would horrify me. Yes...This video is quite awful but really I've seen much worse. I suppose my frequent viewing of 4chan has probably strengthened my stomach for these types of things but I was really expecting so much more out of it...Oh well though... I suppose that rule 34 will eventually find a way to horrify me...As I say... Everyone should be horrified every once in a while....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Starting Tomorrow I Will No Longer Procrastinate...

Yeah right.... Now that this winter break is coming to an end I am realizing how many things I was going to do and have still yet to do... I was going to learn to knit... and study Japanese, French, Latin, and Spanish... I was also going to start study Norwegian and Romanian.... I was also going to get my trip to France set up... and start exercising...

I think the language issue bothers me the most because I call myself a linguist yet... I have a basic knowledge of French and can barely function in the others... I know next to nothing about linguistics... and I kind of feel that I've been lying to myself and others on how I should be proud of myself for this...

I want to learn to knit...actually more than knitting I want to learn how to sew... This is somewhat more difficult... But I suppose when I actually have the time my mom would be glad to teach me both... There are so many cosplays and lolita pieces I'd love to create but right now am simply not capable yet.

Exercising.... Even though I feel less bad about this one...Its still something that I've been neglecting. I have lost a bit of weight due to dieting/honey sticks but still....Its something that I need to work on especially if I am going to be cosplaying Faye Valentine in July.... Even though I am somewhat comfortable with where I am at... My size will just not cut it...

But anyway.... I am going to try to actually work on these issues this upcoming semester...and hopefully I will make some head way on it...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blue Drank

Yesterday was the first time in quite awhile I have drunk anything other than Life Water... It kind of got me thinking about all the good drinks that have come and gone. I got the blue Koolaid Bursts...They are fantastic, however one pack lasts like 5 minutes... So its not something I can drink all the time...

I think the first one I was ever hooked on was Tropicana's Peach and Papaya...

This shit is God in a bottle.... I miss it very much. If your body could overdose on vitamin C...I would have died by the second week of 9th grade... I would drink at least 2 bottles a day...more if I could... Someone who worked for pepsi hooked me up with tray of it once.... Drink wise it was probably the best week of my life...Once I graduated I could only find it in a few gas stations...all of which seem to no longer carry it.... Its very depressing. When I could no longer get these, I moved on to Capri Sun... I liked the Surfer Cooler, orange, and tropical punch. I would have killed for the strawberry ones....

Although as many of us have learned throughout life...great things never last forever. All the fat people in America killed my happiness when Capri Sun cut the amount of sugar in these wonderful little pouches. Normally I would be all for this....If it wasn't for the fact that this destroyed the wonderful taste of Capri Sun.... I searched super markets for stores that had left over boxes of the high sugar content ones.... The Giant and Walmart had failed me so I went to Snyders and Maines....This was good...despite it costing more at both these places....But eventually they ran out... I wasn't sure what to do with my life for awhile....I decided I would drink more water....But I'm picky... I only really liked Poland Spring water.... But I one day decided to try Fiji Water...

Fiji Water is really good. I think I bought like 4 bottles of it and loved everyone of them. It was really clean tasting and didn't dry out your throat like water with added minerals usually do... It was good and I thought that I may start to lose weight because I had stopped drinking drinks filled with sugar and lots of calories... Everything was going great until one day I notice stuff floating in it... This shouldn't have suprised me... It is water straight from the ground after all... but it was still too much for me...That fourth bottle was thrown out 3/4 of the way full.... Who was I too say that these little particles weren't bugs... I couldn't justify drinking it anymore... I went back to Poland Spring water...Its particle free... Shortly after this whole dilemma though... I came across something called Life Water. I had had Life Water way back shortly after Vitamin Water came out... It tastes way better and has way fewer calories and sugar...

The only problem with this is that I only like the Pomegranate Cherry kind... I think I am not alone on this train of thought... Being that when I find it there are often only a few left on the shelf... I buy them out at my job on a weekly basis...and I also have them stockpiled 10-20 at a time at my house...I don't know what I'll do when I can't find these anymore....probably become an hero... Pepsi...If you are reading this....Be nice to me....<3